Sunday Fun

As today marks the last Sunday of our Rivertown News run, we thought a formal thank-you was in order for our volunteer colorist. As previously mentioned, we didn’t do any official Sunday RN strips. But we thought it would be fun to add some color to a few regular strips to post on Sundays.

The coloring was done by Christina from (aka Mark’s wife) using markers on printed scans which were then re-scanned and uploaded. She turned this around in record time and we appreciate her great-looking work. Now, please understand that these “colorized” strips are not canon, and were provided for entertainment purposes only (and in a fashion much classier than when Ted Turner tried to colorize Casablanca).

You can see these colored strips at these links: week 1, 2, 3, and 4. Unfortunately, a scan of a scan of a scan loses some quality with each successive generation, and there was a little fuzziness around the edges. So today we are presenting the original strips for reference purposes (they are only a scan of a scan :)). Click any of the images below to embiggen the glorious black and white original.


Thanks for reading! New strip Then Comes Marriage starts this week. And check out Mark’s new book The Launch which features some of these strips (release date December 8th).

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